Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What Are We Feeding Our Kids?

Anyone's kiddo coming home to tell you that they can't eat the cereal in the cabinet?  This blog will explain why and might even convince you that your little one (or big one) is right.  In the gym at school, I have an "Eat This, Not That" bulletin board.  I change out the foods about once a month and take time to talk to the kiddos about good and reasonable nutrition choices.  It takes some research, but I love it because it grows my knowledge of a healthy lifestyle for me and my kiddos!  There was one piece of research I found that I just COULD NOT NOT blog about.  It is something EVERY mom and person should know.  It is in regards to a dangerous food preservative.  BHT is one of the most commonly used preservatives of foods, make-up, lotion, body wash, etc. in the U.S., however; it's BANNED in almost every other country with food regulations.  Canada would never dream of allowing this preservative to be used in its food.  What is it?  Well, for starters, it's used to preserve fats to prevent them from going rancid, thus, giving them a longer shelf life, thus making more money for the companies.  Surprise, surprise.  Going further with my research, I found that it is "prepared by the reaction of p-cresol (4-methylphenol) with isobutylene (which is 1 hydro-carbon away from common butane)".  

Do you want that in your body or your children's?  I sure don't!  That's basically a mosquito attractant mixed with lighter fluid and used to preserve the food that kids eat most for breakfast.

So, I researched and came up with some websites that are worth the read and a list of breakfast cereals (where it is commonly found) that are safe for your kiddos to eat.  It's also easy to find on the ingredient list on the side of the box (see above).  It will be the last thing mentioned--the alternative is Vitamin E--WHY aren't we using that in EVERY cereal?

BHT-Free Cereals that are safe to eat
Berry Berry Kix
Kashi Heart to Heart (most flavor varieties)
Lucky Charms (surprising--not my favorite choice because of the dyes and sugar, which are huge no nos for your kids)
Post Grape Nuts
Many organic cereals--still check the label--these are more expensive and would most likely be found in health food stores or at Price Cutter

Basically, everything else contains BHT.  Read this article if you're not convinced it's not worth the time, money, and effort to get your kids and family to switch over.


Curious about other dangerous additives and preservatives to stay away from and with which foods to replace them?  Read this article that lists the 10 most dangerous and healthy alternatives to them all.


Thursday, November 14, 2013


Hello!  I am Mrs. Kinkeade; the Physical Educator here at JTSD.  I have a strong background and a ferocious passion for health and kids.  You put the two together and it makes for lofty aspirations!  This blog is not only to educate parents, but also to help parents make smart food and lifestyle choices for their kiddos.  You will find tips and tricks on how to get your children to eat a healthy, balanced diet; lunch box ideas that won't leave your little one spinning in his/her seat, some fun exercise games in which the whole family can take part, and motor development activities that are easy to do at home.  You can look forward to at least 2 posts per month.  You can subscribe to get e-mails letting you know when there is a new blog post and e-mail me personally with any questions or comments you would like to share with me.  I am really looking forward to working together to make JTSD a role model school when it comes to health and wellness!